Online Exhibition


Booth Number: Hall W5 - W5H43


Booth Number: Hall W5 - W5H43

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- Asterfusion is the industry-leading provider of open networking infrastructure solutions
We offer multi-tbps whitebox switches with the turnkey SONiC platforms for cloud fabric, HPC/AIGC RoCE, NVMe storage, enterprise data center, campus access and packet broker.
Here are what we are offering:
Cloud fabric with low latency and high density, capacity from 1.08T to 51.2T, interface from 10G/25G/100G/200G/400G/800G.
Campus access switch optimized for WiFi-6, interface from 1G/2.5G/10G/25G/40G/100G.
SONiC based enterprise NOS distribution - AsterNOS with feature rich enhancement for both campus network and data center solution
Programmable bare metal switch with P4 based software solution for smart gateway, load balancer and traffic management.
DPU based smartNiC and appliance with DPDK and VPP software support.
Exhibit Details
Chinese only

Asterfusion® CX-N系列 超低时延交换机

CX-N系列数据中心交换机定位于IDC、互联网、运营商、 政府、企业、教育、医疗等行业的智算中心和数据中心里 Clos 网络的Leaf层和Spine层,帮助用户构建超低时延、 灵活可靠、按需横向扩展的数据中心网络,为AI/ML、高性能计算、分布式存储、多业务融合、云计算等场景提供卓越的网络服务。

思源黑体预加载(勿删): ASTERFUSION

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